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Bad Batch Declassified: 5 Highlights from “Cut and Run”

Star Wars: The Bad Batch is here, chronicling the adventures of the elite squad Clone Force 99 following the end of the Clone War. In Bad Batch Declassified, we’ll explore our favorite moments from each episode of the series, available only on Disney+. Armor up and join us for the ride.

Spoiler warning: This article discusses details and plot points from the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode, “Cut and Run.”

Cut Lawquane? That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.

In “Cut and Run,” Lawquane — the military deserter and Republic fugitive who once helped Captain Rex confront his own individuality — is back. As one of the few clones who wasn’t forced to conform to Order 66 through an implanted inhibitor chip, Cut and his family represent the past

Quiz: Which Star Wars Mom Are You?

Star Wars is filled with powerful leaders and skilled pilots who also happen to be moms to some of the most significant characters in a galaxy far, far away. From queen-turned-senator Padmé Amidala to rebel leader Leia Organa and captain of the Ghost Hera Syndulla, these freedom fighters and dedicated public servants have a profound impact on the galaxy at large. This Mother’s Day, we want to know: Which Star Wars mom are you?

Take the latest quiz to find out!

Epic Stories. Tons of TV. Live Sports.Get the Disney Bundle All Star Wars, all the time.

Site tags: #StarWarsBlog, #MothersDay

The Galaxy Far, Far Away and Motherhood

Star Wars and moms. I don’t think there’s a more personal subject for me in Star Wars. My mom bought me my first Star Wars toy (a Princess Leia action figure). Decades later she walked into a Taco Bell and asked the cashier, “What do I have to buy to get the Boba Fett toy?” for her college-aged, toy-collecting daughter. To say that she was (and is) supportive of my love of the galaxy far, far away is an understatement.

Over the last few decades, I’ve fallen in love with a lot of Star Wars stories that included mothers. And I became a mother around the time Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered.

A few years ago I remember bursting into tears watching the scene in Star Wars: The Phantom

Elzar Mann Communes with the Force in Star Wars: The High Republic: The Rising Storm – Exclusive Excerpt

Elzar Mann is a man consumed by a vision he can’t quite comprehend. Pain and suffering, the faces of his dearest friends and people he has yet to meet, swirl around him. But what does it mean?

In’s exclusive excerpt of the prologue from Star Wars: The High Republic: The Rising Storm, the forthcoming Star Wars: The High Republic novel by Cavan Scott, Elzar tries to unravel the terrifying images that suggest an end to the Jedi. Read the preview below, and pick up your own copy when The Rising Storm arrives June 29.

Ashla, Moon of Tython

The screams had never left Elzar Mann. Many months had passed since Starlight Beacon’s dedication ceremony, since he had stood alongside his fellow Jedi. Since he had stood alongside Avar Kriss.

The eyes of the

Check Out All of Marvel’s Star Wars Pride Month Covers – Exclusive

As announced in March, Marvel and Lucasfilm will mark Pride Month in June with a powerful series of variant covers honoring the LGBTQ+ characters of Star Wars. The art will grace every title in Marvel’s Star Wars line, and each piece has been created by gay and transgender artists; the covers also feature title treatments with a rainbow burst, and a classic Star Wars logo with a rainbow trail. is thrilled to offer a first look at the entire slate of covers: Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1, featuring our favorite rogue archaeologist, Doctor Aphra, by artist Babs Tarr; Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #13, which showcases Yrica Quell, vaunted pilot and leader of Alphabet Squadron, by artist Jacopo Camagni; Star Wars: Darth Vader #13, celebrating Imperial commander Rae Slone, by

Bad Batch Declassified: 5 Highlights from “Aftermath”

Star Wars: The Bad Batch is here, chronicling the adventures of the elite squad Clone Force 99 following the end of the Clone War. In Bad Batch Declassified, we’ll explore our favorite moments from each episode of the series, available only on Disney+. Armor up and join us for the ride.

Spoiler warning: This article discusses details and plot points from the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode, “Aftermath.”

When we first met them in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, it was clear that the Bad Batch, a.k.a. Clone Force 99, were different from their brothers in the clone army. And not just in looks and abilities, gifted to them by genetic mutations. A squad of elite soldiers, it was the fierce independent streak of Clone Force 99’s Hunter, Wrecker,

Bad Batch First Look: “Cut and Run”

Following the transformation of the Republic to the Empire, the Bad Batch find themselves on the run — and odds with Crosshair. But while the team seeks refuge with a face from the past, they soon learn that no place is safe from Imperial eyes. Star Wars: The Bad Batch continues with “Cut and Run,” streaming now on Disney+; check out a selection of preview images from the episode below!

Epic Stories. Tons of TV. Live Sports.Get the Disney Bundle All Star Wars, all the time.

Site tags: #StarWarsBlog, #TheBadBatch, #DisneyPlus