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SWTOR Taral V Flashpoint Guide

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Taral V Flashpoint in SWTOR. Includes all boss encounters, bonus boss, achievements, and more. This flashpoint is only available for players within the Republic faction. The guide covers Story Mode, Veteran Mode, and Master Mode How to Start the Flashpoint and its Story … Read more

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Understanding the Relationship Between Mechanics and Strategy in Boss Fights

This article discusses the relationship between mechanics and strategy in boss fights, particularly in group content. Examples come from SWTOR, but much of it is applicable to other games. Many players don’t recognize the difference between the strategy used to beat a boss and the actual mechanical requirements. Being unaware of this distinction can result … Read more

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SWTOR 7.4.1b Changes Overview and Full Patch Notes

7.4.1b is the second of three hotfix patches for 7.4.1 and is rather large for a lettered patch. This article will tell you everything you need to know and features a special guest appearance from Endonangry, Broadsword’s 100% unnoficial anger translator! Unlike previous minor updates, Broadsword announced that 7.4.1 would be coming with a trio … Read more

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