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SWTOR 6.2 PTS is up: new Flashpoint and Features

BioWare opened up the Public Test Server for Star Wars: The Old Republic once again. The new December story update 6.2 is currently there, without the story, of course. The devs have added the new SWTOR 6.2 Flashpoint for testing and surprised us with two new game features – a LogIn Rewards Window and an […]

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SWTOR 6.0 Kinetic Combat Shadow PvP Guide by Siow

Complete SWTOR Kinetic Combat 6.0+ Shadow PvP Guide, suitable for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans, who seek to improve their performance! Written for by Siow (Satele Shan server) UP TO DATE FOR PATCH 6.1.4 Introduction Hello there! I am Jedi Master Siow and I will be going over the Kinetic Combat […]

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SWTOR 6.0 Sharpshooter Gunslinger PvE Guide by Endonae

Complete SWTOR Sharpshooter 6.0+ Gunslinger Guide (Damage, PvE only), suitable for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans, who seek to improve their performance! Written for by Endonae (Satele Shan server) UP TO DATE FOR PATCH 6.1.4 Introduction Welcome to my 6.0 guide as for Sharpshooter Gunslinger! Sharpshooter is quite unique among the […]

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SWTOR 6.0 Marksman Sniper PvE Guide by Endonae

Complete SWTOR Marksman 6.0+ Sniper Guide (Damage, PvE only), suitable for both beginner players and more advanced and experienced veterans, who seek to improve their performance! Written for by Endonae (Satele Shan server) UP TO DATE FOR PATCH 6.1.4 Introduction Welcome to my 6.0 guide as for Marksman Sniper! Marksman is quite unique among the […]

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