Quiz: Can You Guess the Characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

You’ve watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars and rewatched it. Now it’s time to test your knowledge of the legion of Star Wars characters from the animated series now on Disney+. How quickly can you decode these scrambled signals and identify the Jedi, bounty hunters, clones, and other characters? Find out when you decipher the images of Star Wars: The Clone Wars characters in the quiz below!

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“Oh, No!” The Rancor May Join The Black Series Via HasLab

The towering hulk of muscle who greeted Luke Skywalker in the shadowy pit beneath Jabba the Hutt’s throne room is poised to make a comeback.

Although bested by the Jedi in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, this morning Hasbro announced plans to bring the sharp-toothed beast into the 6-inch scale Star Wars: The Black Series line if the brand’s next HasLab crowd-funded campaign reaches its target for production.

“Following the success of the previous two HasLab campaigns for Star Wars: The Vintage Collection, our team is so thrilled to offer fans the first-ever HasLab project from The Black Series – the Rancor!” says Michael Ballog, Hasbro’s vice president for the Star Wars brand. “We hope fans of The Black Series line are prepared for this iconic creature to join their

Bad Batch First Look: “Rescue on Ryloth”

With Cham and Eleni Syndulla imprisoned, young Hera must turn to Clone Force 99 and her new friend Omega for help on Ryloth. Check out preview images of the latest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, “Rescue on Ryloth,” now streaming on Disney+!

Rocky spires on Ryloth.

Eleni and Cham Syndulla with Gobi Glie.

Clone trooper Howzer.

Howzer and Admiral Rampart.

The Bad Batch with Hera Syndulla.

Eleni and Cham Syndulla.

Hera with the Bad Batch in the Marauder.

Hera Syndulla and Omega.

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Mission to the Hutt Homeworld in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #6 – Exclusive Preview

On the world of Nal Hutta, young Jedi Farzala is about to put his skills at diplomacy and Huttese to the test.

In StarWars.com’s exclusive preview of IDW Publishing’s Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #6, aboard the Vessel, Jedi Master Obratuk is deep in hibernation. But with the help of the “awesome weirdo pilot” Leox, Farzala may just charm his way into a peaceful negotiation with the notorious crime family.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #6, “Mission to Bilbousa, Part 1” written by Daniel José Older and illustrated by Harvey Tolibao and Pow Rodrix, arrives July 21 and is available for pre-order online now and at your local comic shop.

Visit Lucasfilm’s official hub for all things Star Wars: The High Republic at StarWars.com/TheHighRepublic.

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The LEGO Star Wars Republic Gunship Strikes Back! – Exclusive Reveal

Battle droids surround vastly outnumbered Jedi in the Geonosis arena. The secret Sith Lord Count Dooku watches from above, demanding surrender. There is little hope for the guardians of peace and justice.

Until a swarm of Republic gunships show up, that is, filled with clone troopers, laying waste to countless battle droids, and even giving Yoda a ride. 

The Republic gunship became an instant fan favorite upon its surprise debut during the climax of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and subsequent appearances in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and now, fans have brought it back. The iconic clone-piloted craft has won a recent fan poll on the LEGO Ideas site — besting two ships by winning 58% of the vote and pulling in over 30,000 votes — and will

Mattel Celebrates Star Wars Comics History with Special Darth Vader Hot Wheels Character Car for Comic-Con@Home 2021 – Exclusive Reveal

Bryan Benedict has always had only one dream: to design cars. And it’s all thanks to his love of an iconic toy.

“Growing up, Hot Wheels was everything to me,” he tells StarWars.com. “We didn’t have a whole lot of toys. We grew up with not a lot of money. Hot Wheels were a buck then and they’re a buck now, and so it was the one thing I could kind of get my hands on. I collected as many as I could and I still have all of those Hot Wheels I had from way back when.”

He would achieve his dream and then some. Benedict attended Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, and landed a job at Honda straight away. He would work there for five

New Star Wars x Enso Rings Are Made for Adventure

Stylish silicone rings designed with hardworking bounty hunters in mind? It’s not jewelry from a galaxy far, far away. These comfortable bands were made right here on our own planet! Enso Rings’ new Star Wars collection features six silicone rings emblazoned with your favorite characters in eye-catching designs.

Aaron Dalley and Brighton Jones, the co-founders of Enso Rings, have been Star Wars fans for most of their lives. “Star Wars got super real for me in the hype leading up to Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,” Jones tells StarWars.com. “The lightsaber duels. The podracing. I was into it. I wanted to fly a Naboo N-1 starfighter so bad! Heck, I still want to fly one.”

For Dalley, it was a family affair. “The [Star Wars] universe is a huge part

Deva Lompop Joins the Hunt for Han Solo in Marvel’s Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Jabba the Hutt #1 – Exclusive Preview

As it turns out, Jabba has a deep bounty hunter bench.

In Marvel’s special one-shot, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Jabba the Hutt #1, the titular crime boss has grown impatient waiting for the delivery of Han Solo. He calls upon Deva Lompop — an ancient, legendary bounty hunter — to finish the job…

War of the Bounty Hunters: Jabba the Hutt #1, from writer Justina Ireland and artists Ibraim Roberson and Luca Pizzari, with a cover by Mahmuo Asrar and Matthew Wilson, arrives July 21 and is available for pre-order now on Comixology and at your local comic shop.

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Sly Moore Returns to Face the Emperor in Marvel’s Star Wars: Darth Vader #14 – Exclusive Preview

Darth Vader is not so easy to destroy. Sometimes, that’s learned the hard way.

Sly Moore, the mysterious Umbaran we first encountered in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and glimpsed at the end of Marvel’s Star Wars: Darth Vader #13, has returned to the Empire. As seen in StarWars.com’s exclusive preview of Darth Vader #14 — continuing the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover — it appears as though she was behind the recent assassination attempts on Vader. Now, she must face her failure…

Darth Vader #14, from writer Greg Pak and artist Raffaele Ienco, with a cover by Aaron Kuder, arrives July 21 and is available for pre-order now on Comixology and at your local comic shop.

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