SWTOR in-game events schedule for July 2021

BioWare posted the schedule for all currently live and upcoming SWTOR in-game events for the month of July 2021. The Nightlife and Double XP continue from June, while later in July the Rakghouls and Gree will have the job of entertaining you The Pirate Incursion will close off July! Last night BioWare finally confirmed what […]

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Bad Batch First Look: “Common Ground”

Omega is back with the Bad Batch, but the threat of the Empire remains. Check out preview images of the latest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, “Common Ground,” now streaming on Disney+!

A squad of clone troopers run into battle.

Imperial forces greet a citizenry.

The Bad Batch greet a droid.

The Bad Batch travel with a droid.

Cid speaks with Omega at a dejarik table.

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Unlimited Power! How Star Wars: The Secrets of the Sith Will Take Fans to the Dark Side

“If one is to understand ‘the great mystery,’ one must study all its aspects. Not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi.” Palpatine’s words to Anakin Skywalker were key in bringing the noble hero to the dark side.

Now it’s your turn.

Insight Editions will unleash Star Wars: The Secrets of the Sith — written in the voice of ol’ Palpy himself — on October 5. The book is an exploration and celebration of all things dark side, featuring Darth Sidious’ thoughts and wisdom regarding Force powers, Sith warriors, and more, complete with gorgeous, fully-painted art. StarWars.com caught up with author Marc Sumerak and artist Sergio Gómez Silván, also the talents behind Star Wars: The Secrets of the Jedi, to prepare for our journey down the dark path.


SWTOR 7.0 Legacy of the Sith Expansion announced

BioWare has unveiled Legacy of the Sith, the next expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, which will launch during the holiday season of 2021. It will start the game’s 10th Anniversary celebrations, which will continue throughout 2022! This article contains absolutely everything we know so far about the upcoming SWTOR 7.0 Expansion. Of course, […]

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Will Celebrate 10 Years with Epic Legacy of the Sith Expansion

Star Wars: The Old Republic is turning 10 — and to the dark side.

BioWare announced today that it will begin a period of celebration for the 10th anniversary of SWTOR with Legacy of the Sith, a major expansion that will kick off an exciting new time for the critically-acclaimed MMORPG. Legacy of the Sith will continue the game’s storyline, sending players on a military campaign to secure the aquatic planet Manaan for their faction as they uncover the ultimate plan of Darth Malgus, the renegade Sith.

The expansion also introduces redesigned combat styles, a new feature that blends class abilities and an array of quality-of-life upgrades. Combat styles will allow players to independently choose a specific class story and combine it with ability sets from other related tech or

“I’m Just Trying to Make Myself Laugh”: Daniel José Older on Infusing Humor into Star Wars: The High Republic

The Republic Fair is in danger and it hasn’t even opened yet! And it’s up to a Jedi Padawan, his trusty droid, and a few friends to hold the line. This week, the story of Star Wars: The High Republic continues with the release of Race to Crashpoint Tower, the new middle grade book by veteran Star Wars author Daniel José Older.

For those keeping current with The High Republic Adventures comic, also written by Older, Race to Crashpoint Tower takes place after issue #5, and concurrently with issues #6 and #7.

Recently, StarWars.com called up the New York Times bestselling author to get the lowdown on Ram Jomaram, his friends, his foes, and the adventure of writing in era of the High Republic.

StarWars.com: Tell us a bit

Yub Nub! Artist Duo Gurihiru on its Adorable “Little Rebels” Ewok Statue – Exclusive

Ewoks will soon be even cuter — thanks to artist duo Gurihiru.

Gurihiru — consisting of illustrator and inker Chifuyu Sasaki and colorist Naoko Kawano – has brought its colorful and lively Disney-meets-anime style to Kotobukiya’s popular ARTFX Star Wars Artist Series line, creating a new statue starring the galaxy’s most adorable and furriest beings. The result is “Battle of Endor — Little Rebels,” a fun reimagining of the climactic clash at the end of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, depicting Ewoks in battle against an AT-ST. The piece, revealed exclusively on StarWars.com and available for pre-order now, takes inspiration from the team’s first trip to the galaxy far, far away.

“Previously, we worked on the Star Wars Japanese-English Dictionary and did a similar piece based on the AT-ST

Valance and Dengar Find an Old Friend (Or Not) in Marvel’s Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #14 – Exclusive Preview

In the Star Wars underworld, it pays to have friends. And to pay your debts.

Marvel’s epic War of the Bounty Hunters crossover, currently running through the entire post-Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back line of comics, tells the story of what happened to Boba Fett following his acquisition of a carbonite-frozen Han Solo. (In short, there were some big problems, including someone stealing the Solo slab.) The action continues in Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #14, and in StarWars.com’s exclusive first look at the issue, Dengar leads a wounded Beilert Valance to an old contact for help. Except this “mechanic” from Dengar’s past may not be so thrilled to see him…

Bounty Hunters #14, from writer Ethan Sacks and artist Paolo Villanelli, with a cover by Giuseppe